Thursday, March 19, 2009

What are the signs of a cheating boyfriend?

Men think they are slick, but in fact, they are usually pretty sloppy about covering up their tracks. Trying to figure out if they are cheating is not as difficult as you may think. You just have to think logically and be willing to do a little detective work.

Things will usually get a little physical in relationships during the early days. You have that animalistic passion for each other and you are literally tearing each other up. A little bite or a scratch is just part of the deal during the early days of sex. As time goes on, you get a little more comfortable and lose some of that passion. If it has been a while since you left him with some marks and you see the tiger claws on his back, it wasn't because his buddy scratched his back a little too hard and left a mark, it was because he has been with someone else and he's chasing that initial rush again.

If your boyfriend comes home and smells like perfume once, you can probably let it slide when he tells you that he ran into so-and-so and she gave him a big hug and kiss hello. When it happens time and time again, you better start investigating. By nature, men are just not huggy, feely creatures. If he smells a little sweater than he should, he is wrapping his arms around another creature of comfort and someone is stealing your man away from you!

Is your man spending a lot of extra time at work, but now he has less money than ever. Newsflash, he isn't making money, he is spending it. It is the easiest excuse in the world to claim that you are always getting stuck at work. However, if he truly is getting stuck at work, he should have plenty of extra cash from all that overtime. If he can't show you the pay stub, he isn't working overtime, but he is working someone else.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Does Your Man Have it in Him to Cheat?

Is your man prone to cheating?

This may be an impossible question to answer for most people since I doubt few of us consciously link up with a partner that is destined to cheat on us. Why would we want to take that chance? While many people would do anything for love, few would allow themselves to be taken advantage this way.

So, having said that, if your man is cheating, it's likely is something that has only developed recently. If you know for certain that the man you married would never cheat on you, you can only reason that he's not the same man today.

As far as what convinces a guy to cheat - well, that could be anything from a midlife crisis, to marital trouble, to financial problems. Or it could be that he's always been prone to cheating and has just recently been presented with an opportunity. You may never really know the answer to this question.

If cheating truly is a crime of opportunity, is it possible that your man just hasn't had the right opportunity yet. Fate has a way of creating the right circumstances when you least expect it. Perhaps, he's not even aware that he has it in him to cheat - as far as he's concerned, he will always be a faithful husband to you. His intentions may be completely above board and because of this; you're never going to know if he is a potential cheater until it happens.