Thursday, March 19, 2009

What are the signs of a cheating boyfriend?

Men think they are slick, but in fact, they are usually pretty sloppy about covering up their tracks. Trying to figure out if they are cheating is not as difficult as you may think. You just have to think logically and be willing to do a little detective work.

Things will usually get a little physical in relationships during the early days. You have that animalistic passion for each other and you are literally tearing each other up. A little bite or a scratch is just part of the deal during the early days of sex. As time goes on, you get a little more comfortable and lose some of that passion. If it has been a while since you left him with some marks and you see the tiger claws on his back, it wasn't because his buddy scratched his back a little too hard and left a mark, it was because he has been with someone else and he's chasing that initial rush again.

If your boyfriend comes home and smells like perfume once, you can probably let it slide when he tells you that he ran into so-and-so and she gave him a big hug and kiss hello. When it happens time and time again, you better start investigating. By nature, men are just not huggy, feely creatures. If he smells a little sweater than he should, he is wrapping his arms around another creature of comfort and someone is stealing your man away from you!

Is your man spending a lot of extra time at work, but now he has less money than ever. Newsflash, he isn't making money, he is spending it. It is the easiest excuse in the world to claim that you are always getting stuck at work. However, if he truly is getting stuck at work, he should have plenty of extra cash from all that overtime. If he can't show you the pay stub, he isn't working overtime, but he is working someone else.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Does Your Man Have it in Him to Cheat?

Is your man prone to cheating?

This may be an impossible question to answer for most people since I doubt few of us consciously link up with a partner that is destined to cheat on us. Why would we want to take that chance? While many people would do anything for love, few would allow themselves to be taken advantage this way.

So, having said that, if your man is cheating, it's likely is something that has only developed recently. If you know for certain that the man you married would never cheat on you, you can only reason that he's not the same man today.

As far as what convinces a guy to cheat - well, that could be anything from a midlife crisis, to marital trouble, to financial problems. Or it could be that he's always been prone to cheating and has just recently been presented with an opportunity. You may never really know the answer to this question.

If cheating truly is a crime of opportunity, is it possible that your man just hasn't had the right opportunity yet. Fate has a way of creating the right circumstances when you least expect it. Perhaps, he's not even aware that he has it in him to cheat - as far as he's concerned, he will always be a faithful husband to you. His intentions may be completely above board and because of this; you're never going to know if he is a potential cheater until it happens.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Cheating Man Has a Lot on the Line

If your man is cheating, he's obviously going to do everything in his power to prevent you from finding out about his infidelity. In some cases, he will go to great lengths in order to make this happen. He's got a lot on the line here, and it's in his best interest to protect it.

When a man cheats, there is a lot more at stake than simply being unfaithful to his partner. In almost every case, the entire structure of the family can be damaged beyond repair. Some things you just can't take back.

One of the biggest risks when it comes to adultery is how it's going to affect the children. In the event that he gets caught and everything is out in the open, the chance for divorce is high. Unfortunately, children get caught in the crossfire and are unwilling victims in this high-stakes game.

So, is it any wonder that you're finding it difficult to gather proper evidence to catch him cheating? He knows that if he slips up, it's game over and his life will never be the same.

Having said that, if he is that concerned about keeping his family together, he wouldn't be doing what he's doing in the first place. It's amazing how simple urges can overpower an individual to take unreasonable risks.

Ultimately, it comes down to a match of wits. He's going to do everything in his power to prevent you from finding any proof, and you're going to be diligent and unrelenting in your quest for real evidence that you can confront him with.

In the end, it's hard to imagine how anyone can win.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quick Tips on How to Catch a Cheating Boyfriend

Having to deal with the thought that your boyfriend is cheating on you can be a very stressful situation. It distracts you at work, makes your home life miserable and while you are hoping it is not true, you need to find out or it will ruin you. If you think he is cheating, you have to know how to catch a cheating boyfriend so you can confront him about it and move on with your life.

In this day and age, we use our cell phones for everything. These are also the easiest forms of communication between your man and his new girl. If you are living together, you can 'accidentally' open up his bill and look for a repeating number that is unfamiliar or an abundance of text messages to a new number. Nowadays, you can always do a reverse look up and find out who it is and if it's not a buddy and is a female name, you may have caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.

Is your boyfriend spending a lot of time at work lately, but doesn't have any money? When you have plans and he makes that phone call that he is stuck at work late again and won't be able to make it, you may want to be a caring girlfriend and pick up a sandwich for him and bring it over to the office so he has something to eat. Chances are that overtime that he is putting in is with someone else. When he is not there, you will need an explanation as to where he was. I can guarantee he will get defensive and start an argument.

Speaking of arguments, how many of those have you had lately? Is he storming out of the house and not returning till late. Maybe he comes home and gets right in the shower or smells like he just took one when he gets home. He is trying to remove her scent. Next time he flies out the door, try and follow him to see where he is going, it's probably into the arms of his new squeeze.

You can also play detective if you like. Tell him you are going out of town on business for a few days, but never leave. Get a room at a hotel, rent a car and start watching. If he is cheating, you being out of town is permission to get a little daring and bring the new girl into the house. He will be prancing around with her all weekend with no threat of you catching him. Get some photos if you can. Obviously, this is a drastic measure that may not suit everyone. Often, things like this are best left to a professional.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Reading Your Man

If you've been together for a number of years, it's going to be relatively easy to catch your guy cheating. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this to discount the severity of the situation; but the fact remains that any couple that has been together for a number of years will be able to read each other relatively easy - and that's where the advantage comes in.

I'd venture to guess that if you're in a long-term relationship, you can almost read each other's mind. You know exactly what the person is going to say and you can predict, with uncanny certainty, exactly what your mate will do next. Let's face it, we all have our routines and when you really look at it, human beings are very much creatures of habit.

All this is going to be extremely valuable in the event that your husband starts an affair. Try as he might, there's no way he's going to be able to become a different person. There's going to be very subtle clues that only a spouse could pick up on.

In the beginning, you may start to realize that something's going on because of the "bad vibes" you're getting. While there's nothing in particular you can pinpoint, you just have this uneasy feeling that something is different. Don't be surprised if no one else can pick up on this.

If you suspect your guy is cheating, one of the first things you’re going to want to do is sit down and talk to him. Don't disclose your suspicions just yet, but simply try to have a general conversation around where he's been, what he's been doing, and that sort of thing. Don't ask him in a demanding sort of way, but rather as a simple point of conversation.

It's not going to take long before you definitely know that something is up, or not. Your first clues are going to be in how he answers questions, his facial expressions, and whether his mood changes drastically. Again, you are likely the only one that will be able to pick up on this change in behavior.

If you do detect something is wrong, it's time to start gathering real evidence. Cell phone numbers, receipts, ticket stubs, credit card statements, cell phone bills, are some of the best incriminating evidence you can get.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Is Your Husband Cheating at Work?

Whether you're convinced that your man is cheating, or you simply have a nagging suspicion, one question you're going to have in the back of your mind is, “where did he meet her?” After all, there's only so many opportunities he could have to actually meet someone and develop a relationship.

When it comes to opportunity, your guy probably doesn't have a lot of choice. Most affairs begin with people that are in constant contact with each other – coworkers, for example. It's unlikely that he started an affair with a complete stranger, or that he's met someone in public. No, it's much more likely that he's developed a friendly relationship with one of his work mates.

In fact, the workplace romance is a fairly common thing. It's in this environment that friendships are created, trust is developed, and things are sometimes taken to a new level. It's an environment where regular people (not cheaters) can suddenly find themselves mysteriously attracted to a coworker. It's a place where you can be caught off guard by sudden romantic feelings towards one of your peers.

If you suspect your man is cheating at work, there are many ways you can find out for sure. Here are a few:

Make it a point to attend every company get-together. While you're there, make it a point to mingle with your husband's close coworkers. Pay particular attention to the manner in which they treat you or any off-color comments that are made. You should be able to pick up on any strange vibes since most of them will already be aware of your husband's infidelity. You may actually even bump into his mistress. She should be easy to identify.

Surprise him at work by simply popping in and offering to take him to lunch. It's important that you don't give him any warning or any indication that you'll be stopping by. Why does this work so well? For the simple reason that if he has planned to meet her for lunch, he's going to have to cancel his plans at the last minute. If he appears nervous or upset, it's probably because he's been forced to cancel his lunch plans with his sweetheart in favor of having lunch with you. You're really going to catch him off guard here. It's a great way to test him.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

To Catch Him, Think Like a Cheating Man

In order to catch your man cheating, you're going to have to start putting yourself in his shoes. In other words, you're going to have to imagine how he communicates with the other woman, how they meet up, the precautions he takes, and so on.

The reason you're going to want to do this is to save time. There are only so many hours in a day and if you're wasting your energy looking for evidence in the wrong places, it's going to be a slow and arduous process. Not to mention, the longer you drag this out, the more stressed you're going to become.

So imagine what is going through your husband's head when he's out there communicating with his significant other and trying to meet up.

Eventually what you're going to wind up with is a great list of resources that you can check out to get evidence to catch your cheating spouse. Here are a few of the most common:

His car – at some point in time, even though you don't want to believe it, his mistress will have been seated in the passenger seat of his car. Look for different seat adjustments, two coffee cups in the holder, different hair on the back rest, and items under the seat.

His cell phone – during the course of a day, he'll use his cell phone to communicate with her. Whether he phones her or sends a text message, there is a wealth of incriminating evidence contained within his cell phone. The problem here is that he's likely to have erased everything before he comes home.

His computer – while he is at home, he obviously can't talk openly with his mistress, therefore he's likely to be communicating via e-mail, messenger service, or a chat room. If you know his password, you can check out his browsing history, chat room conversations, and any e-mail that he's received from her. You should be aware that if there is this kind of evidence on his computer, he's most likely changed his password.